colorado trucker boycott

Colorado Trucker BoycottSource:

Truckers play a vital role in the transportation industry, and in turn, the economy. They transport goods across the country, ensuring that businesses and consumers have access to the products they need. Despite their essential role, truckers often face unfair working conditions and low wages. This is particularly true in Colorado, where truckers have been fighting for better pay and improved working conditions for years.

The Beginning of the Boycott

The Colorado Trucker Boycott began in late 2019, when a group of truckers decided to take a stand against the low wages and poor working conditions they were facing. These truckers were mainly independent contractors who were working for companies that paid them by the load instead of by the hour. This meant that they were often working long hours for little pay, with no benefits or job security.

The truckers decided to organize a boycott of several major trucking companies in Colorado, including JBS Carriers and Swift Transportation. The goal of the boycott was to pressure these companies into improving the working conditions and wages for their drivers.

The Impact of the Boycott

The Colorado Trucker Boycott had a significant impact on the transportation industry in the state. Many of the major trucking companies saw a decrease in business as a result of the boycott, and some were forced to make changes to their policies in order to retain drivers.

One of the most notable changes was made by JBS Carriers, which agreed to a 15% pay increase for its drivers. This was a significant victory for the truckers, who had been fighting for better wages for years.

The Long-Term Fight for Fair Wages and Working Conditions

While the Colorado Trucker Boycott was a success in many ways, the fight for fair wages and working conditions for truckers is far from over. Many truckers in Colorado and across the country continue to face low pay, long hours, and unsafe working conditions.

Organizations like the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA) are working to address these issues and advocate for better policies for truckers. The OOIDA has been instrumental in supporting the Colorado Trucker Boycott and continues to fight for the rights of truckers across the country.

The Importance of Supporting Truckers

Truckers are essential workers who play a critical role in our economy. They transport goods across the country, ensuring that businesses and consumers have access to the products they need. Despite this, many truckers face unfair working conditions and low wages.

It is important for all of us to support truckers and advocate for better working conditions and fair pay. This can be done by supporting organizations like the OOIDA, boycotting companies that mistreat their drivers, and pushing for legislation that protects the rights of truckers.


The Colorado Trucker Boycott was a significant moment in the fight for fair wages and working conditions for truckers. While the boycott was a success in many ways, the long-term fight for change is far from over. It is important for all of us to support truckers and advocate for better policies that protect their rights and ensure fair pay and working conditions.