how much is a 2023 peterbilt 389

Peterbilt 389Source:


Are you looking to purchase a 2023 Peterbilt 389? As one of the most popular and reliable models in the trucking industry, it’s no surprise that you’re interested in this vehicle. However, before you make your purchase, you’re probably wondering how much it will cost. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that determine the price of a 2023 Peterbilt 389.

Base Price

The base price of a 2023 Peterbilt 389 varies depending on several factors such as location, dealership, and current demand. The average base price of this vehicle ranges from $150,000 to $200,000. This price includes the cost of the truck itself, but not any additional features or customization.

Peterbilt 389 DashboardSource:

Features and Customization

If you want to add additional features or customize your 2023 Peterbilt 389, you’ll need to pay extra. Some of the most popular features include leather seats, upgraded sound system, and advanced safety features. Customization options include paint color, interior design, and more. The cost of these features and customization will vary depending on your preferences.

Peterbilt 389 InteriorSource:

Financing Options

If you’re unable to pay for your 2023 Peterbilt 389 upfront, financing options are available. Most dealerships offer financing options with varying interest rates and terms. It’s important to research and compare different financing options to find the one that best fits your budget and financial goals.

Peterbilt 389 FinancingSource:

Warranty and Maintenance

When you purchase a 2023 Peterbilt 389, you’ll receive a warranty that covers certain parts and repairs. The length and coverage of this warranty varies depending on the dealership and location. It’s important to understand the terms and conditions of your warranty to ensure that you’re covered in case of any issues.In addition to the warranty, you’ll need to consider the cost of maintenance and repairs. Regular maintenance is essential to keep your truck running smoothly and prevent costly repairs in the future. The cost of maintenance will vary depending on the type of maintenance required and the location.

Peterbilt 389 MaintenanceSource:


One of the most significant expenses of owning a 2023 Peterbilt 389 is insurance. The cost of insurance will depend on several factors such as location, driving record, and coverage options. It’s important to research and compare different insurance options to find the one that best fits your budget and provides adequate coverage for your truck.

Peterbilt 389 InsuranceSource:

Resale Value

When you purchase a 2023 Peterbilt 389, you’ll want to consider the resale value. The resale value of this vehicle will depend on several factors such as the condition, mileage, and demand. It’s important to maintain your truck and keep it in good condition to maximize its resale value.


The cost of a 2023 Peterbilt 389 varies depending on several factors such as location, dealership, features, and customization. Financing options are available for those who are unable to pay upfront. The cost of maintenance, insurance, and resale value should also be considered when purchasing this vehicle. Overall, the 2023 Peterbilt 389 is a reliable and durable truck that is worth the investment.